

Flux et archive

Hopefully my website will even outlive me, too. That’s because I don’t want my presence online to resolve into a tacky business card once I’m gone — I’m an XYZ in San Francisco — instead, I want it to be an archive of everything that I’ve ever thought was worth keeping around. All the things I’ve pointed at, linked to, discussed, argued about. Once I’m gone I want this place to be an archive of all the things I’ve ever loved, even if they were messy and fragile and a little broken.
Robin Rendle, Blogging and Atrophy

Robin Rendle réagit suite à l’article de Jeremy Keith, A decade on Twitter, et souligne l’importance de disposer de son propre espace sur le web – en dehors des silos fermés des réseaux sociaux –, et de ne pas en faire simplement une carte de visite professionnelle. Robine Rendle parle de flux et d’archive, je le rejoins largement sur cette dualité – nécessaire.

Once I’m gone I want this place to be an archive of all the things I’ve ever loved, even if they were messy and fragile and a little broken.