

Des sites web plus légers et plus rapides

So, let’s talk about websites—but not the way I’d talk about furniture, if you gave me half a chance. This is about the user that just wants to keep their coffee off the floor. They don’t care about the website. They don’t care about frameworks; they don’t care about browsers. They want their information and they want to get out. A website, to them, is its purpose.
Mat “Wilto” Marquis, Smaller, Faster Websites

Après une introduction à base de généralités percutantes et de chiffres précis – notamment sur les usages desktop et mobiles, ou sur les qualités des connexions–, Mat “Wilto” Marquis propose beaucoup de méthodes – très concrètes – pour gagner en légèreté et en rapidité.

We build a connection between every single person in the world and all the information in the world. We do more than just build websites—I don’t care about websites. I care about purpose.